Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ann Coulter hates you

Among the ranks of arrogant blowhards who do nothing to advance the ideas of conservativism in the grand scheme of things, Ann Coulter holds a special place -- she's sort of the print media's version of Bill O'Reilly.

A quote:

STORRS, Connecticut (AP) -- Conservative columnist Ann Coulter cut short a speech at the University of Connecticut amid boos and jeers, and decided to hold a question-and-answer session instead.

"I love to engage in repartee with people who are stupider than I am," Coulter told the crowd of 2,600 Wednesday.
Of course, the whining reaction of the student body just shows how few testicles are actually left in this country:
"We encourage diverse opinion at UConn, but this is blatant hate speech," said Eric Knudsen, a 19-year-old sophomore journalism and social welfare major who heads campus group Students Against Hate.
Someone call little Eric up and give him some attention. And a pair. Here's the story on CNN.
